Thursday, August 25, 2011

the end of an era

These past few days have been intense. But i've made it through the tumultuous parts and it should be nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.

I interviewed for this new job, and it went great, but then i had to wait for a few days. I interviewed on the 18th, last Thurs. They told me they were interested that next day, friday, and said they were doing my background check and formalizing the offer, & that they'd be in touch. Then i didn't hear anything for the rest of Friday or Monday morning. I followed up on Mon and she told me no action was needed on my part and that the Director would be in touch later that day. Buuuuut, i didnt hear anything on Monday But i got the call/official offer Tues morning. So, Tues night i wrote my letter of resignation and submitted it this morning (wed), and BOOOOOOOY was i nervous! It all went really well though, surprisingly. officially on my way out of Everest and onto my next, new chapter!

Must say, it is bittersweet though. I've been there for almost 5 years! There are a lot of people there i love very much. A lot of people i don't want to leave :( i'm sad about it, although im dually happy & excited for the new experiences/opportunities. Its just new, and scary....stepping out of the comfort zone is always super scary. But. this is my last step. My last big, monumental change.

And so, i'm well on my way. Steadily forward, pushing through all obstacles, persevering over all odds. I'm following my heart, and my gut....and i KNOW it wont steer me wrong. Here is to the end of an era...the close of a chapter. And on to a brand new clean slate full of fresh new opportunities and experiences.

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