Wednesday, December 5, 2012

social media meltdown

My blog, my baby, my heart....oh, how I've missed thee. Two and a half months since my last blog post...and that is absolutely unacceptable to me, as a writer.

Writing is my outlet. It's my coping mechanism, and here i am, NOT utilizing it for the past howEVERmany weeks.

I let myself be limited to 140 characters. I censored, and shortened my thoughts, to small snippets and increments. I began to think in shortened phrases. Then, after 9 months of continually tweeting...i began running out of things to say. It was like the well had dried up. I was REACHING for tweets, and pressuring myself to come up with good stuff...but i really came up short, here at the end. I can pretty much ALWAYS come up with an inspirational tweet, and to have been reaching for even THAT, here recently...that's when i knew i needed to take a break.

Twitter really did rule much of my life. I mean, i put my heart, soul, words, wits, and SELF into growing my twitter account. I tweeted EVERY day, for almost 9 months exactly. I interacted with people constantly, i tweeted, read tweets, and RT, and it probably took up 65 % of my day, overall.  I checked twitter last thing before i lay down at night, first thing in the morning when i get up, all through the day while i'm working, just....ALL the damn time. I was constantly trying to come up with tweets, steady trying to cover the gamut from funny, to raunchy, to inspirational. It was almost like a full time job for my brain, in addition to my real daytime job. Its mentally exhausting. Emotionally draining, even. It becomes an obsession, your main focus. Only a twitter-person can truly ever understand what i'm talking about, but the bottom line is....i got burned out. I scraped the bottom of the barrel.  I was coming up empty-handed.

So i stepped back. Granted, it's only been 2 days at this point, which is not much. And i expect many epiphanies and freedoms to come out of this learning experience  But ill most likely go back. I love the people on there too much....i love witnessing the amazing minds, and the things people come up with.

My twitter helped me through a very rough time in my life. It literally occupied me, kept me sane, and led me to some of the most amazing individuals that I've ever encountered. So i'm super grateful for it. And i look forward to returning, once i'm refreshed and ready. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Learn. More. Always.

I believe it is our job in life, to always be learning, growing, and moving forward in life. Things happen, and we are placed in certain situations....for specific & predetermined reasons.

As long as you take the lesson from it, and are able to add something to your arsenal of knowledge, then i think you've succeeded.

I, myself, am currently at an interesting precipice. I have been blessed with a person that i love, more than i ever thought i was capable of loving someone. Yet, i am also, for the first time ever, engaged in a long distance relationship. Which is incredibly hard.

I struggle with patience: i want what i want, when i want it. Which is NOW. So, needless to say...this is a learning experience for me, in a big way. I'm learning to trust, to have faith, to be hopeful, and to APPRECIATE that which i do have that's palpable. Such as the love, communication, respect, appreciation, honesty, admiration, loyalty, and trust i share with him.

I welcome the opportunity to learn more about myself. Albeit, difficult at times...i know in my heart of hearts, it will be well worth it, in time.

Monday, August 27, 2012

soulmate redefined

You, are not a stranger to me....
but, rather...someone i knew,
in past lives, many.

This time around...
for this most RECENT dance,
i relish to take this chance...
to live out this last lifetime...
lovingly, with you. 

When i first encountered you,
I knew!
I felt the ages of history we shared, 
through and through.

Connections, tried and true
Established over lifetimes,
...the depth & complexity of, 
me and you.

The beauty of it all.
The comfort in your presence
the unspoken understandings.

you read between my lines

Because you took the time
to learn me. To 
understand me. 

The possibility of what we can be...
best friends, lovers, partners, equals.

Provides me joy, endlessly
You make me happy, effortlessly

I'm grateful for this love, wholeheartedly.

My soul's TRUE mate, you will always be <3

i always come back to you....

I am a writer.

Its just what i do. Its deeply ingrained in who i am, this ongoing love affair with words....this, fascination with articulation, verbiage, diction.

I believe that a truly talented writer can paint you a vivid picture with their words alone.

I strive to create effortless imagery in my readers' enable them to visualize the words i'm stringing together, into a verbally robust image that simply exists, with little to no effort exuded on their part.

This blog is a reflection of that.

It is MY words, strung together how i want them taken in.

Imbibe my imagery, inhale my thoughts, embrace my perspective, via my words.....

THAT is what you'll find here. My tweets are not indicative of my writing talent/ability. Those are just snippets of thoughts i articulate for you....the REAL me is found between the lines of this blog. Hidden beneath my poetry....

No matter how busy i get....i always come back to outlet, my meanderings, my writings. <3

{And, for the record.....i don't like capitalizing my i's. I have a BA in Literature, i know good and well proper grammar/punctuation. But, seeing as its MY blog, MY words....and the fact that i routinely do what i want, wholeheartedly...the i's shall remain as is} Enjoy :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My time to shine....

I have been told that i should....and asked if i would....write more....

As a writer, these compliments are immense. Life-changing, really. The love, support and appreciation that i have received over these past few weeks, has served to cultivate me more as a writer.

Has made me want to excel even more...and concoct such amazingly complex imagery and advanced articulation for my readers. To weave stories and scenarios, vividly throughout their brain.

To have a voice...a voice that you feel needs to be heard. And to vocalize your parameters, and prose, with precise placement...and then to have your voice appreciated and supported..... gloriousness. Sheer joy and elation.                                      {and i thank you}

Because that gives purpose to my gives meaning to the stories i have to tell and the words i have to say. It gives me a platform to explore who i am as a writer, and allows me to solidify my craft.

 I've always had words to say. I've always had a way with words.

A love affair, really. I'm obsessed with verbiage, articulation, and diction. To me....the more specific and fitting word choice you can employ, the more relatable and vivid you can make your writing...your imagery.

Because, really....what i do... is i paint a picture for you with my words...and you, as my reader...can follow along where i take you, and experience what i'm feeling at that very moment. That's the beauty of reading. Of reading and learning and cultivating your mind. I am this smart partly because i read A LOT growing up! Like, a book a day, total and complete book worm...biggest nerd EVER. But it gave me a worldly understanding of things. Then being a Literature major @ FSU, i had to learn about all different time periods, genres and styles of writing. So, needless to say...i am a HUGE advocate for reading, learning and constantly yearning to know MORE.

At this point, i'm not sure what my point originally was, but i know i intended on writing this blog as a thank you. To those people who've supported me and shared their thoughts in a respectful and appreciative manner. For you guys, i'm thankful. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wildly undulating....

Wildly undulating
fluid as my sexuality....

ebb and flow...
my emotions
take hold of me.

making a mess
of that which i had just
made sense of.

pulling to the surface
past pains, regrets...
lessons learned 
things i had wanted
to forget.

muddled up in uncertainty now
it was all just so clear and calm...
i yearn for that peacefulness
yet again.

In time, after my lessons
have been learned....
my scars, & strength earned....
only then will it all
make real sense again.

Random ramblings

A plethora of emotions are bubbling under the surface today. Lots of  monumental changes, unanswered questions....unchecked feelings. And thus, i figured....where else to sort it all out, but my trusty ole blog {of whom i have MAJORLY been neglecting, as of late.}

Oh, where to start....

I guess i should start with what i just learned about a few days ago, and that's that my very 1st girlfriend ever {the one that i went thru hell & back with, and lived on the streets with} is only 26 years old. Granted, it's at her own hands, in that it's due to stupid decisions on her part, but's kind of weighing heavy on me, the thought of her losing her life so young. The poor girl never had a chance. Stemming from 2 drug addict parents, and given the life she knew growing up...all odds were stacked against her. I'm torn because i don't know if i should go see her....she's got MRSA, and a blood infection, lesions on her liver from extensive {intravenous} drug part of me feels like it's better to stay away. But another part of me feels pulled to go see her, esp if this is it for her. This girl showed me a side of life i'd have NEVER experienced, were it not for her...even if it WAS a rather seedy side. Growing up very upper-middle class, to live on the street and have to hustle to make ends meet was a struggle i'd never known. But i must say that she always made sure we had shelter, and food to eat daily....even when we DID have to hustle. So its a complex scenario to say the least. One that I've yet to fully dissect and make sense of.

Then there's that ONE ex...the one that broke you and shook your world upside down. Yeah, for me that was Tina. We went round and round for years, i can almost fully credit her for the strong woman i am today, thanks to all the bullshit she put me through. Well, her and i are once again friends, which is cool. I totally wish her the best in life, but she's now {as of a day ago} with the bitch she cheated with me on back in the day. The one who she SWORE nothing was happening with, and that I was just crazy & imagining things. All in all it just makes me super duper grateful that i got away from that lesbo scene when i did. My life has never been better, or more drama-free. Its refreshing. BUT, all in all....emotionally unsettling scenarios with 2 of my most monumental ex's, on the eve of my most emotional week of the month. Yeah....annoyingness to the extreme.

Fast forward to the here & now....I feel like its dually a burden & a blessing to have the huge heart that i do, and to be so passionate about things that i have NO PROBLEM completely diving in head first. I need to learn to protect it more {said heart} and not offer it up so damn quick. Too easy to trust....too quickly hurt, always.

Story of my life. Luckily....resilient is my middle name. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Poetic Prowess

Our souls have danced.... the decades of years past.

your inner beauty & sheer BEING
blends with mine perfectly,
and i instantly
feel at home.

I've known you before...
there's a familiarity
once-lived... remembered vividly
enacted perfectly, in the
HERE, and now.

...the world works in wondrous ways...

untangling an intertwined
history, of times
intangibly perfect.

with you i feel safe,
happy and complete

you set my soul at ease
while cultivating my poetic prowess

never known bliss….such as this....

Thursday, May 10, 2012

"What you truly are...."

"I'm glad i make you see, what you truly are", he said to me tonight.

What i truly am?
...beautiful all around,
inside and out.
"A classic beauty", even.

He looked within, & saw a trace...
Looked past the face
breasts & body...
to the true essence of me. partake in the soul,
heart & mind.
embracing the scope,
of what i can truly be.

realized the depth, and what a
rare gem i am to find.

Showering genuine sentiments accordingly
his words ring true, and carry much weight.

They reinforce my weakened self-image
and help heal all the hurt & self-hate...

Help me have faith, that REAL can still exist

That a genuine connection & understanding
can occur again, betwixt....
...myself & another like-minded individual
another lost, damaged soul

where we can build and lean on each other
and not ever have to let go.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Today is a peculiar day. A day of realizations and realities. A day of reckoning, and returning to my roots. My core, my solitary sanity.

I'm looking forward to it, as much as i'm still trying to make sense of all of it. This weekend held many milestones for me. It was the culmination and completion of my time living with my cousin {she was here since Jan}. It was her graduation weekend. It was the one year anniversary from the day i moved INTO Crenshaw {Cinco de Mayo 2011}... as well it was the day {today} that i go back to living alone again.

I don't honestly think its all set in yet. Like, i was just sitting here about to play a song on the computer and i thought..."let me not play it too loud, katie is prob studying". But then i realized...Katie's not here! It's just me and Zoe again....

Overall, it will be good. I plan to be productive, and to be methodical about how i spend my time...

All in all, i've learned a lot. Im grateful for the lessons, and ready for the next chapter :) 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What i learned on Twitter in the past week...

I learned that Twitter is a fickle bitch.

I learned that it's this whole other subculture....governed by its own set of rules, with its own highly-favored majority rule. It's akin to high school..very cliquish....where you strive to look cool, and say cool things, and be accepted and favorited {read: RT- retweeted} by The Cool Kids.

But what i also learned... is an examination into human nature and sociological to what the people want, what DRIVES them, what makes them want to follow and RT you. But first, let me back it up and lay the groundwork for you on my twitter history real quick, so as to better understand what the scope of the last week has done for me in my TwitterLife...

I got on twitter in March 2009, and being the OCD perfectionist that i am...i researched and studied and methodically searched out inspirational thinkers, entrepreneurs, writers, artist, trailblazers, celebrities, athletes, bloggers...pretty much a who's who, by all accounts. Over these past 3 years, I've slowly worked at gaining a following, but hadn't really put overt time and effort into the endeavor until March of this year, March 10th-ish to be exact. So 7 weeks exactly. That I've been tweeting and RTing daily...and I've definitely learned a lot. But never have i learned so much as i have in the past week, with my experiences with the Twitterverse

Past 10 days, actually. This all started for me on 4/22...a Sunday, and i tweeted a #sideboobsunday picture to Doug Benson. And, he RT it! He has over 400k followers, and he RT *MY* sideboobsunday picture {2 weeks in a row, actually}. From there, it all took off so fast....bunches of new followers, tons of replies and messages, my twitter was seeing more action than it had ever, EVER seen in the whole 3 years and 2 months I've had it. And, boy...was it addicting. I'm gonna be honest with you's exciting. When you get RT'd or get lots of new followers and you can see that number steadily rise. It feels really good. BUT, this was all actually bittersweet to me as well because i had worked for 3+ years to develop a solid following, to demonstrate authenticity in who i was, and what i tweeted...then here i am... exploiting my body and my assets, to increase my following? How twisted and degrading. I have so much more to offer than just a pretty face, or a hot body. I don't often let people witness the true depth, but i don't EVER conduct myself in a less-than-ladylike manner, more so than that.

So it was an emotionally complex scenario and turn of events for me. That last week in April was emotionally draining, to say the least. But, it was all worth it, and i learned a lot....and to me, that's what really matters. That you get the LESSON out of a situation. That you learn what you're SUPPOSED to learn, and experience whatever it is that you're destined to experience. And that you grow from it, ultimately.

What i learned on twitter, the nitty-gritty....down and dirty:

~ there are basically 2 groups of people on twitter...legitimate business-people/people who market themselves or their product, and funny/raunchy/inappropriate people who have the wit, balls, and nonchalant attitude to say what we're all really thinking,. but could never really say out loud. Peculiar part about my situation....i started out on twitter diligently working towards become the former, but over the last few weeks, i more so want to be part of the latter. {Twisted, i know}.

~ RT versus favoriting: Everyone who tweets appreciates getting stars, or 'favorited', by people...because when you put long, hard brain-power and calculation into crafting the perfect tweet, it's so nice to get that validation or theoretical thumbs-up by some virtual stranger who just GETS what you're saying. But the real compliment is the RT, {retweet}. People want their tweets retweeted, because it provides their words/art/jokes/ESSENCE to a new realm of potential followers, and it networks their name even more through the Twitterverse. Now, i understand more than anyone, how hard it is to come up with twitter gold! It's exhausting to think of entertaining, witty, funny things to say. There's always the fight within yourself, that funny? Will people like it? Will they get it/relate to it? In my research it said that the best tweeters are people who come up with a healthy dose of original content. Not quotes from famous individuals, or RT's from other brilliant minds {although that is a necessity}, so I've tried really hard lately to come up with my own stuff, and be original/authentic to myself....and while it's working, it's extremely exhausting as well. It can take over your mind, if you let it. All of Social Media in general, can be described by that statement.

~ What the people want: I learned a harsh and eye-opening lesson over these past 2 weeks. Before i started hardcore tweeting at the beginning of March, i had 435ish followers. In the past 9 days, since my first SideBoobSunday picture, I've gained over 100 followers. I just hit 550 followers tonight. Now, that's 435 i built up over the course of 3 years, and 100 + that i added over the course of 9 days, by exploiting my assets alone. Now, that is not to say that i'm PROUD of having gotten tons of new followers based on pictures of my sideboob/cleavage/body etc. I would never normally degrade myself in that manner. But, i was conducting my own little sociology experiment, if you will. I wanted to test some shit out, see what got the people coming back, and what intrigued them to come in the first place. Its really a psychological mindfuck in a sense...everyone wants more followers, and we all strive for social validation from people, in increased followings and favorites. AND, it becomes addicting and exhilarating when you do get it. I feel like a little kid sitting on the floor clapping like, "yay, i made a good tweet!". Although, at this point, my most well-liked and RT'ed tweets are pictures of my boobs, which...isn't worth much bragging rights, at ALLLL yo. But, even if i hook people with my assets, ill retain them with the powers of my sexy brain.

~ the hard part is finding your voice. Being authentic to you. It's difficult with Social Media, because all you have to peddle & capitalize on

    Is, whatever it is YOU have to offer. Which, better be more than just a pretty face because....good looks fade, honey BooBoo. Luckily for me, i have substance as well as a decent outer package, so i can exploit and manipulate all my various aspects as need be, accordingly :) The point was for me...i started out retweeting and starring stuff pertinent to my Social Media endeavors and the career i hope to craft out of my writing abilities. Now though, i'm more on a selfish, i-want-attention;like-what-i-have-to-say-and-follow-me kick, at the moment. I often ponder and hypothesize to myself..."where do you draw the line? What do you make your voice?" I struggle with this constantly, but i think that's the double-edged sword part of Social Networking. But, i must say I've met some highly entertaining and intelligent people, & I've enjoyed the vast majority of hours I've spent interacting with other tweeters & social media freaks/misfits on Twitter.

And as far as establishing my voice.... I've decided to just be me. To tweet what i want to tweet, to say some inspiring/touching/moving stuff, while also keeping it real, and being witty/clever a/b situations i experience in my own personal life. After all, it is MY twitter...and if people don't like it, they can get the hell out of the kitchen and off my followers list :) Because i'm here to do me, and have fun with it.

And that's just what the eff i'm going to do. Unapologetically :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Who are you

Who are you?

Are you really the person
That I once knew?

Was that person {I thought I knew}
Really even you?!

A glimmer of a side
At one-time seen

Now an ugly reality
In harsh light, beams.

Words & actions
At odds with one another

Such a beautiful mirage
I had one time discovered…

Only to remain
Remnants of a ghost
In my brain.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

digital disconnect

inundation of an intellectual persuasion
each day, all day...we are
force-fed information.

take it in, let some go....
what do you engage in?

it's all up to you,
depending on what it is...
that is your infatuation.

what is this society,
that we now dwell in?

an approval-based, surface-world
where the number of followers you have
directly equates to how important you are
in the genetic make-up of society?

a world where we are so
deeply entangled and entrenched in....
.... voyeurism and watching others' lives
...fall apart.

No one wants to focus inward,
to consult their own darkest demons
and contemplate their deepest fears., no, no....we live off, LIVING OFF
other people...
other people's happiness, their struggles
their hurt, pain and tears...

we'd rather watch
"reality television", which should
{more accurately be called "surreal life"}
because that's not REALITY, we're taking in...
that's the Real Housewives of whichever County,
or some other pseudo-reality nonsense...

it's an odd turn of events, to me...
..nowadays people don't truly engage with each other
they safely observe and evaluate from a distance.

No phone calls, just texts...
no letters, just "like"s and 'favorite's.
no personal touch or hug...
just a digital high-five, or
happenstance...a detached
"i see you there"
"i like that thought"
"i give you my social-media following"
and whatever other unspoken, inherently understood
social-networking nod is necessary at the given moment.

it's all so crazy, so cold and technical...
so detached,
this digital disconnect.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Meet me in my dreams...

Somewhere, hidden behind time
the lines unfold....expand
and intertwine.

clarity comes into focus
the questions, unanswered...
....laid to rest.

you just, let it go.

no sense to make of it,
you just KNOW
it was the best thing
you've ever, been a part of.


Meet me in my dreams
where the fantasy continues...

and the gleam
of unadulterated happiness
can never be snuffed out.

you will always remain
the best part of what maintained,
the most beauty & wonder
my life..EVER did contain.

a beautiful mirage...
i almost had within grasp
only to vanish, leaving a barrage
of questions in its wake.

questions....never to be met
with answers....

....only to be appreciated,
for what it taught me.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Illuminated wonder...

The moon spoke to me tonight... in all of its
....illuminated wonder.
I drove under its majestic brightness
following like the North Star, it’s guiding light.

Brilliantly filling up the night sky,
It showed me what’s right…..
assured me, all is well in my life.

“Do not fret, my child”
It whispered sweetly...
“All is well in the world; just have faith &….trust it”
{So much easier said, than done}

I feel, the only way to work through emotions
Is to WADE in them.
Drown in them, for a while.
Feel and face them…
So as to work PAST & through them.

Each trial and tribulation…
Builds character and strength.
Each heartbreak,
reminds you you’re ALIVE.

Breathe it in…
The hurt, pain, & happiness,
The memories, the lessons….
The times cherished, always.
The feelings felt, for the 1st time ever….

I was alive.
In that moment, I was incredibly alive
& the world was a beautiful place.

I will cherish it always,
That snippet in time.
That beautiful chaos….
which turned my world upside down.
That lit my soul absolutely on fire…
And turned my mind on multifacetedly.

I will cherish it always...

Friday, April 6, 2012

my heart hurts.

My heart hurts, right now
Literally, aches with pain.
The heaviness in my chest,
makes it laborious to breathe.

Sadness is a giant hand
Squeezing tightly, the circumference of my heart.
Suffocating its regular, healthy beat
Stifling its natural yearn to expand, grow and thrive.

Keeping me held down in darkness…
Lost amongst the sadness,
Drowning in questions and aggravations.
What-if’s and how-come’s….the reality of it all
Still entirely baffling to me.

Knocking the wind right out of me…
Blacking the eye of my soul,
breaking my heart,
leaving me Battered, torn and broken.
In pieces on the floor.

Grasping to be whole again
Reaching, to understand
trying, to make sense
Not understanding why.

Am I being punished?
Is this my karmic reward?
For striving so hard,
To live right all the time…
From being shown something so incredibly amazing
To having it ripped from my hands, in
The blink of an eye?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Infinitely Interesting

This new fascination
consumes my mind.

this beautiful thing
I've been blessed with

this person, that i find
infinitely interesting...

this dynamic which is
otherworldly, exotic and rare.

my thoughts run to him

My mind stays
with ALL aspects of him...
his brilliant mind
his perfect humor
his always-right words
the look in his eyes when he stares at me,
the way his hands feel on me....
the manner in which energy is
*exchanged*, when he touches me.

It's electric, nothing
I've EVER experienced.

a smile creeps on my face
at the 1st thought of him,
at the 1st glance at words he's said to me
such perfect, eloquent words.

such an incredibly fulfilling dynamic,
being made to feel genuinely
beautiful & appreciated, all the time.

I am so glad i found this. <3

Thursday, March 29, 2012

the day my life was forever changed - 3.28.12

Today is a day that will go down in the history books. The history books of my life. Today solidified the culmination of 7 weeks of arduous work {well, today as in, 3/28...writing this 3/29}. Of continuous whittling down of resolve...of never losing momentum, or getting sidetracked from my goal., made it all worthwhile.

I've heard it for years, and never fully understood the scope of it. They say "when you know, you know", and when it's different, it's LEGIT different. As in, unlike anything you've ever experienced before - even remotely. It REALLY is different. It's perfectly fitting, it's effortless, it's intriguing...and exciting! It makes you feel alive, causes you to hunger/yearn for something, someone...the connection is unreal. And so enticing.

I'm so excited to embark on this journey, with such an amazing person by my side. As my beautiful teammate :) {or, Algirian ©, if you will}

"#FindSomeoneWho speaks the language of ur soul, understands the complexities of ur mind, & makes u want to be a better person." - me, tweeted 3/28/12 <3

Saturday, March 24, 2012

whimsically delicious

life has a funny way of doing things,

a funny way of bringing you where you need to be

to allow for

what it is you deserve

to be revealed to you.

to condition you, and prepare you for

the next step that is to come.

Sometimes you meet someone that makes an impact.....someone that stirs your inner being. Someone that touches your soul, piques your interest, and intrigues you like no other. The fascination multiplies as you learn more, which in turn only makes you hungrier to...learn more. Insatiable. For this whimsically delicious thing that has presented itself. This too-good-to-be-true amazingness that you're soaking in....absorbing into your core, relishing in the realness. Overwhelming your senses and bringing forth an abundance of delight, and giddiness, and smiles, and butterflies.

It is an absolutely beautiful thing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

winds of change...

Breathe it in. Deeply inhale

let it out.... smoke billows against, & around, the screen.

thoughts scramble

amidst my mind

this newfound sense of wonder, fascination

so utterly divine.

I feel my life about to change. i feel myself slipping into the next chapter...the new mindset. It's so very palpable, so real and identifiable.

I'm taking ownership of my life, taking charge of my health...dealing with my procrastinations and idiosyncrasies. Coming to terms with WHERE I'm supposed to BE in life.....and WHAT i'm supposed to *accomplish* in this life, {other than being a good person and living right daily.}

The winds of change have flirtingly doted on me, as of late. I feel pulled in certain directions, guided by strong intuitions...on a mission.

i feel like, i'm listening to my inner voice, finally. I'm finding dedication within, and strength i never knew i possessed. I'm up to the challenge of taking charge of my destiny, my future. I've always been one to methodically lay out my plan, and achieve my goals. So now, where i'm at right now...i just feel more secure in that, more sure of what i want. And, that - in itself - is super empowering. And that, to me, is what life is about...being empowered to live the life you've always dreamed of living

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou

I came across this quote tonight stopped me in my tracks. Not only did it stop me, but it INSPIRED me. It made me want to write. It set my mind in motion...and, that's a pretty powerful thing, seeing as how it is now Feb 14th, 2012...and this is thee 1st blog entry I've made in 2012.

Ask me why I've procrastinated...i cannot tell you. All i know is that nothing as of late has inspired me enough to take to this blog, and open my mouth and let my thoughts fly out, splashing unabashedly onto the empty canvas that is this blog. It's my blog, my words...displayed however i want them to be seen....and, the only thing that's roused the writer in me enough lately is, this quote. This amazing woman. The wise words of this incredible poet/writer/dreamer/thinker...Ms. Maya Angelou.

Now, the other quotes of hers that hit me tonight, i will touch on later. For now, i need to delve into this first one, this....stop-in-your tracks, thought-provoking quote.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." It instantly made me feel like......'what untold story am i harboring, that I'm supposed to be telling..sharing! What is burdening or inhibiting me in my quest to make sense and enlighten? What do i need to get deal with, and tell, and share?'

Hence, why i call this a thought-provoking question. Because it instantly set my mind aflutter...brought to the surface a plethora of questions, theories, and queries. Made me wonder...about my recent adventures, and about the lessons i've learned through them...the pain i've received at the hands of them...and how its all collaboratively brought me to where - and WHO - i am today. I am grateful for it all..but i feel like, there's a deeper meaning...a theme fulfilled, a lesson to be learned & shared. That is the path that I'm on, and i feel like the way to make sense of it all is to write more...think more. It WAS one of my New Years Resolutions,'s we are on month 2, day 14...and we're #1. Hahaha...i really do want to write more often. And about more pertinent/enlightening/ MOVING things.

So, i will strive for more frequency and better substance. Strive to attain as close to perfection as is humanly possible for me right now, at this point in my life. I'm still grasping to make sense of much of this journey....taking it one day at a time, relishing each day/opportunity. But i think writing more is definitely the key.

“This is my life. It is my one time to be me. I want to experience every good thing.” - Maya Angelou -
This is another quote that seemed particularly fitting for where i'm at in my life, currently. I want to enjoy this stage in my life...fully appreciate this time of exploration and be liberated and to simply ENJOY all life has to offer.

“The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.” - Maya Angelou - how i want to write. Always. Period. Right thought the minds-eye, into the brain and straight to the heart. I want my writing to stir people's SOULS!!! To jolt them AWAKE & aware, to make them wonder...inquire...question.

To at least just START something into motion, in the minds and hearts of others. If i can do that, ultimately...then i have succeeded as a writer. To myself, anyways.

Which leads me to the last quote...and THIS is what i aspire to: “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you.” - Maya Angelou

I intend to shine, through and through....taking whichever avenue, i am naturally led to. I intend to do BIG things in life overall. I want to make a difference, do something a good life and BE a good person. Those are my goals.