Monday, August 27, 2012

soulmate redefined

You, are not a stranger to me....
but, rather...someone i knew,
in past lives, many.

This time around...
for this most RECENT dance,
i relish to take this chance...
to live out this last lifetime...
lovingly, with you. 

When i first encountered you,
I knew!
I felt the ages of history we shared, 
through and through.

Connections, tried and true
Established over lifetimes,
...the depth & complexity of, 
me and you.

The beauty of it all.
The comfort in your presence
the unspoken understandings.

you read between my lines

Because you took the time
to learn me. To 
understand me. 

The possibility of what we can be...
best friends, lovers, partners, equals.

Provides me joy, endlessly
You make me happy, effortlessly

I'm grateful for this love, wholeheartedly.

My soul's TRUE mate, you will always be <3

i always come back to you....

I am a writer.

Its just what i do. Its deeply ingrained in who i am, this ongoing love affair with words....this, fascination with articulation, verbiage, diction.

I believe that a truly talented writer can paint you a vivid picture with their words alone.

I strive to create effortless imagery in my readers' enable them to visualize the words i'm stringing together, into a verbally robust image that simply exists, with little to no effort exuded on their part.

This blog is a reflection of that.

It is MY words, strung together how i want them taken in.

Imbibe my imagery, inhale my thoughts, embrace my perspective, via my words.....

THAT is what you'll find here. My tweets are not indicative of my writing talent/ability. Those are just snippets of thoughts i articulate for you....the REAL me is found between the lines of this blog. Hidden beneath my poetry....

No matter how busy i get....i always come back to outlet, my meanderings, my writings. <3

{And, for the record.....i don't like capitalizing my i's. I have a BA in Literature, i know good and well proper grammar/punctuation. But, seeing as its MY blog, MY words....and the fact that i routinely do what i want, wholeheartedly...the i's shall remain as is} Enjoy :)