Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou

I came across this quote tonight and...it stopped me in my tracks. Not only did it stop me, but it INSPIRED me. It made me want to write. It set my mind in motion...and, that's a pretty powerful thing, seeing as how it is now Feb 14th, 2012...and this is thee 1st blog entry I've made in 2012.

Ask me why I've procrastinated...i cannot tell you. All i know is that nothing as of late has inspired me enough to take to this blog, and open my mouth and let my thoughts fly out, splashing unabashedly onto the empty canvas that is this blog. It's my blog, my words...displayed however i want them to be seen....and, the only thing that's roused the writer in me enough lately is, this quote. This amazing woman. The wise words of this incredible poet/writer/dreamer/thinker...Ms. Maya Angelou.

Now, the other quotes of hers that hit me tonight, i will touch on later. For now, i need to delve into this first one, this....stop-in-your tracks, thought-provoking quote.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." It instantly made me feel like......'what untold story am i harboring, that I'm supposed to be telling..sharing! What is burdening or inhibiting me in my quest to make sense and enlighten? What do i need to get OUT....to deal with, and tell, and share?'

Hence, why i call this a thought-provoking question. Because it instantly set my mind aflutter...brought to the surface a plethora of questions, theories, and queries. Made me wonder...about my recent adventures, and about the lessons i've learned through them...the pain i've received at the hands of them...and how its all collaboratively brought me to where - and WHO - i am today. I am grateful for it all..but i feel like, there's a deeper meaning...a theme fulfilled, a lesson to be learned & shared. That is the path that I'm on, and i feel like the way to make sense of it all is to write more...think more...blog more. It WAS one of my New Years Resolutions, buuuuut...here's we are on month 2, day 14...and we're at...blog #1. Hahaha...i really do want to write more often. And about more pertinent/enlightening/ MOVING things.

So, i will strive for more frequency and better substance. Strive to attain as close to perfection as is humanly possible for me right now, at this point in my life. I'm still grasping to make sense of much of this journey....taking it one day at a time, relishing each day/opportunity. But i think writing more is definitely the key.

“This is my life. It is my one time to be me. I want to experience every good thing.” - Maya Angelou -
This is another quote that seemed particularly fitting for where i'm at in my life, currently. I want to enjoy this stage in my life...fully appreciate this time of exploration and freedom...to be liberated and to simply ENJOY all life has to offer.

“The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.” - Maya Angelou -
This....is how i want to write. Always. Period. Right thought the minds-eye, into the brain and straight to the heart. I want my writing to stir people's SOULS!!! To jolt them AWAKE & aware, to make them wonder...inquire...question.

To at least just START something into motion, in the minds and hearts of others. If i can do that, ultimately...then i have succeeded as a writer. To myself, anyways.

Which leads me to the last quote...and THIS is what i aspire to: “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you.” - Maya Angelou

I intend to shine, through and through....taking whichever avenue, i am naturally led to. I intend to do BIG things in life overall. I want to make a difference, do something meaningful..live a good life and BE a good person. Those are my goals.

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