Monday, March 28, 2011

divine synchronicity

I was reminded today, just how much everything really is all *part of the plan*. How beautifully and intricately we are all intertwined! Tonight, randomly...a girl came by my house with a friend of one of MY friends, so this chick is like three times removed. And as we sit & chill she notices the pictures on my bookshelf. She gets up to look closer, then asked me if i know michele, the girl in the picture with me. I was like, 'THAT that picture? Well, yeah..that's my BFF & my roommate!' Apparently she had lived next door to michele and mang years ago..prob 6 or 7 years ago now. Interestingly enough, said girl had just gone through a dramatic break-up (WITH crazy-lezbo fight) earlier this week...and could probably use some good friends right now, especially someone she already knows. So i text michele and ask her i she remembers the girl, to which she excitedly responds 'yes i remember her, i love her!!' And so....two friends who've been far apart for many years are reunited at a time when both need it most. Beautiful divine, universal synchronicity in action...

Almost daily i am reminded of the divine, effortless order of the Universe. So often i get lost in thought, worry and stress about things which i have no control over, when...if i'd just trust and be open to whatever comes my way, having FAITH that it is what's best for me....i'd be a lot better off! I know it in the forefront of my mind...and when i'm fully PRESENT, and i bring myself back to center, i do have faith in it...but amidst the worldliness and daily stressors, it becomes increasingly difficult at times.

I am a writer, a poet...a lover of all things written, composed, & artfully created...i was a Literature major at FSU, and an avid reader ALL growing up. I love WORDS...i appreciate beautiful composition and articulation. I adore quotes...a gathering of a few strong words, placed in a powerful order, leaving its impression on the reader. One day i'll blog about my favorite quotes (because, BOY do i have a loooong running list of them) but not just yet. What i was getting to in all this is that i love quotes...and i have one inscribed on each of my wrists. Both of which have their own significance and importance to me. But the one on my right wrist is my most recent, & the most applicable for this discussion. It is the Nietzsche quote 'amor fati' (see pic above, definition below)

Straight from the mouth of Wikipedia..."Amor fati is a Latin phrase coined by Nietzsche loosely translating to "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good. Moreover, it is characterized by an acceptance of the events or situations that occur in one's life." <-- THIS, is how i live. I view everything that happens...even the hurt, loss and GOOD. As...necessary, even. Necessary in the sense that those happenings are the stepping stones that got me to these NEXT levels. Those lessons brought me wisdom...those scars made me tougher. And, so...i welcome it with open arms....

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