Friday, April 1, 2011


Happy Friday friends!

Hopefully as you read this post, you've survived the day thus-far unscathed by April foolery! :) My day wasn't too bad, no one 'got me' or anything. In was an amaaaazing day for me, for numerous reasons, but ill expand on that later. Back to the issue at hand....I'm fairly new to blogging, (started just a few weeks ago) and i'm not sure as to what's PC, what the 'rules' are, as far as quoting other people. I must say though, that i am highly intrigued by this new world. I recently starting delving deeper into the vastness that is Blogger...searching for truth, wandering aimlessly from blog to blog, drinking it all in...deliciously. I've stumbled upon greatness at times, which leads me to check out who that person follows. Effectually, this process has opened up a whole new world for me…a plethora of worlds, actually. All told in different voices, through different dialects, from different perspectives...i simply love the variety!

One i've found particularly enjoyable and useful is "From Sarah, With Joy". It’s weird to say but i almost feel at home there, when reading that blog. I find her voice to be familiar and comforting. And her ideas relatable and feasible. But anywho, i digress...upon reading her blog post today i came across an idea that wholly appealed to me! To touch back on what i started this post with...i’m airing on the side of caution and putting it word for word as i encountered it....

'Blogging from A to Z April challenge'

'For those of you unaware of the A-Z blogging challenge, its an awesome blogfest hosted by Arlee Bird's Tossing it Out. The challenge is to blog Monday through Saturday, with posts themed A through Z. I've been trying to blog every single day, including Sundays, and this will provide some organization and motivation as far as that goes. It's not too late to sign up, if you're interested. So, for the letter A.'

Okay, so that's where i got this idea from, and this is me attempting to rise to the challenge!

A is for acceptance.

Acceptance IN the vast sense....& OF a variety of things. For the cards you're dealt in life, for the luck that comes your way, for the circumstances that are beyond your control...pretty much anything that comes upon you unsolicitedly. The definition is as follows:


 [ak-sep-tuh] Show IPA



the act of taking or receiving something offered.


favorable reception; approval; favor.


the act of assenting or believing: acceptance of a theory.


the fact or state of being accepted or acceptable.

1. Acceptance in the fact that whatever Master Plan is already intricately woven for you is, and has been, in effect. That all these trials & tribulations....hurt, pain & tears, are necessary stepping stones down the path of your journey. They are building blocks in the structure that is YOU...necessary elements in the conditioning of your soul! So, welcome them...for, they sculpt you. In a way you won’t fully understand until later….down the road, in retrospect.

2. So, just 'accepting' whatever comes your way becomes comparable to demonstrating unwavering TRUST...having blind FAITH in the Universe (which is easier said than done, i know). BUT, if you know in the forefront of your mind that things will work out as they are meant to, then that frees up your energy, heart, body and spirit from the unnecessary worry and stress.

3. ‘The act of assenting or believing’, I interpret that to mean giving in, or believing undoubtedly that the events unfolding now are in your best interest in the long run. So, you ACCEPT it (see the recurring theme?!?) J

4. Now, #4, ‘the fact or state of being accepted’, that one I slightly have an issue with. I am aware of humans’ needs to be a part of something, to feel as if they belong. Yet, I am from the line of thinking which believes the acceptance which outweighs all others, is that which stems from YOURSELF. You have to accept and love yourself before anyone else can, or will. Besides, who are they anyways…these elusive, worldly people who are not even worthy to judge you OR determine whether or not you’ll be accepted. Only your unconditional acceptance of yourself prevails in the end.

So…..that’s my first blog of the April challenge! Exciting stuff! I’m eager to see where this assignment takes me….to what it helps me uncover & learn!

Now…keeping with the ‘A’ theme of this post….let me tell you why my day was SO Amaaazing!!! J Today…after 5 tumultuous, hellacious months…& a day after the original contract expired….i finally received the approval from the bank of the lower sale price (per the appraisal) and we got an extension on the contract until May 2, 2011…but we’re still shooting to close mid-April! Oh, I also got a solid approval from underwriting today, so…those were all the things I needed to proceed, I’m good to go! Now the ball is in their court, and we just…..wait some more! Oh, good ole short sales…gotta love ‘em! (NOT) But, I do have faith that this will all be WELL worth it when all is said and done. I just, gotta get there….WITH my sanity in tact.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including me, it is nice to share in your journey....
