Wednesday, April 13, 2011

G is for Grace...

Grace: Openness to the bounties of life, trusting that we are held in God’s love through all circumstances. Reflecting gentleness and beauty in the way we act, speak and move.

I love this. I strive to always embody this definition. I've always seen my mother carry herself with grace, but i feel i have become familiar with exhibiting it only in the last couple of years. To look back on where i was 2 years ago, to where i am now...i think i've def learned a thing or two (or 10) about grace, dignity, and class. I've been ridiculed, i've been embarrassed....I've seen my share of shame. Shame in both my behaviors (& in my reactions) and in the effectual outcomes.

The High Road.....the hard road to take. The bitter pill of swallowing your pride and just remaining on the higher ground. It's so hard to do at times, but you CANNOT stoop to their level. What's that quote? Something about arguing with sec...

"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." - Mark Twain

Now.....i write about this as if i'm in regular USE of it, as if i'm waaaaaay familiar with it. Lol....I actually struggle with this a lot.

So perhaps there's a reason i chose this particular word...on this particular day....and why my train of thought tended to veer this way. I myself am learning to apply a constant demonstration of grace....under pressure, and always in life.

1 comment:

  1. You can never go wrong with grace, especially when offering it to yourself.
